1. According to Einstein, _________ will be perceived
1. According to Einstein, _________ will be perceived the same whether the observer is moving or not. A. Space-time continuum B. String theory C. The speed of light D. Theory of Relativity 2. Einsteins theory about the ______implies that reality has four dimensions, not three. A. Space-time continuum B. String theory C. The speed of light D. Theory of Relativity3. _______________is based on the claim that the ultimate building blocks of reality arent subatomic particles, but even smaller vibrating one-dimensional strings of energy. A. Space-time continuum B. String theory C. The speed of light D. Theory of Relativity4. The world of subatomic particles spawned a separate branch of physics called quan- tum mechanics. A. True B. False5. Imagine two twins. One gets onto a space ship and travels close to the speed of light for what the ships clocks record as a few months. The other twin remains on earth. When the space ship returns, there will be no difference in their ages. A. True B. False6. Imagine that you are standing still, while a friend of yours is on a train heading north. You see two lightning bolts strike the ground at the same instant one to the north and the other to the south. Einstein would say that your friend on the train experi- ences things differently, seeing the northern bolt strike before the southern bolt. A. True B. False7. Unlike Newton, Einstein believes that space is constant and absolute and cannot bend. A. True B. False8. One of the philosophical implications of Newtons view of the universe is that human actions are totally free. A. True B. False9. In ______________ conventional morality, including stages three and four, we un- derstand right and wrong in terms of laws and the expectations of others. A. Kohlbergs B. Belenkys C. Gilligans D. Perry 10. If we are at Perrys second stage, unacceptable multiplicity, and we hear two op- posite accounts of the causes of the Reformation, we would probably think that one, but only one, of the two accounts is true. A. True B. False 11. In Belenkys first stage, ____________, knowledge is what some external authority says it is. A. Constructed knowledge B. Received knowledge C. Subjective knowledge D. Procedural knowledge12. In Belenkys final stage, _______________, believing is more important than doubt- ing. A. Constructed knowledge B. Received knowledge C. Subjective knowledge D. Procedural knowledge13. If we combine the two perspectives represented by Kohlberg and Gilligan, the prob- lem of the moral justification of an action becomes more difficult and involved. A. True B. False 14. Sex refers to societal roles, whereas gender refers to biology. A. True B. False15. In Perrys final stage, relativism, we generally believe that truth is a function of cultural norms. A. True B. False 16. According to Gilligan, in the view of most women, the moral person is one who can understand and act in accordance with philosophical principles such as Kants cat- egorical imperative A. True B. False17. Human and person are different, but related, ideas. Human is a biological concept, while person is a _____________ concept. A. Theological B. Philosophical C. Scientific D. Emotional18. Humans curiosity about dolphins can be traced back at least to ancient__________. A. Rome B. China C. Greece D. None of the above19. The one dolphin sense that acts as both their eyes and ears in the water is like the modern human sonar system onboard submarines. A. True B. False20. Dolphins have a body temperature of _________ degrees. A. 98.6 B. 96.8 C. 90.2 D. 92.221. As far as the criteria for personhood are concerned, dolphins probably do possess awareness because the fact that they can be so easily trained shows that they are aware of the external world and able to interact with it. A. True B. False22. The fact that dolphins can perform leaps, dives and flips on cue from trainers: prove that dolphins are not intelligent enough to be persons, because persons would not perform such menial behaviors. A. True B. False23. In terms of the criteria for personhood developed in this chapter, dolphins, on bal- ance, did pretty well. A. True B. False24. Dolphins live very solitary lives. A. True B. False25. One reason for choosing dolphins for such an inquiry is that it lets us keep the con- cept person from being too heavily colored by the notion human. This is possible because there are substantial differences between humans and dolphins. A. True B. False
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