Do chaos theory and complexity theory have any place in health care systems?

Every organization must be considered the sum of its parts: the people, problems, and tools within it. Together, these parts shape the face of the institution and make it unique. When coming into a new organization, one should not presume that anything is so just because “that’s the way it was done at my other institution.” Different organizations have varying structures and approaches to management, and newcomers may find the environment confusing at first.

Consumers of health care expect predictable, safe, and quality care.
•Do chaos theory and complexity theory have any place in health care systems? Why or why not?
Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature.

Readings (resoures)

•Course Text: Effective Leadership and Management in Nursing (8th ed.)
Chapter 5 examines the necessity for organizations to change to meet the needs of patients and to keep up with improvements in medicine. As the state of health care is always in rapid flux, nurses need to be leaders, bringing new ideas to their institutions. The chapter discusses change theories and connects them with the nursing process.

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