All assignment components are thoughtfully and comprehensively detailed, reflecting collegiate level reasoning and support.

Busi 431 Db 3 Grading Rubric

Based on 40-point maximum


Levels of Achievement



Advanced 90-100%

Proficient 70-89%

Developing 1-69%

Not present


9 points

All assignment components are thoughtfully and comprehensively detailed, reflecting collegiate level reasoning and support. Relevant examples or explanations render a clear understanding of the assignment principles.

6 to 8 points

Most of the components of the Discussion Board Forum prompt are answered in the thread, though more detail would render a more comprehensive review of the assignment. The thread has a logical flow. Major points are stated reasonably well. Major points are supported by good examples or analysis.

1 to 5 points

The Discussion Board Forum prompt is addressed minimally. The thread lacks flow or content. Major points are unclear or confusing. Major points are not supported by examples or thoughtful analysis.

0 points

Not present

Customer Commitment

9 points

All assignment components are thoughtfully and comprehensively detailed, reflecting collegiate level reasoning and support. Relevant examples or explanations render a clear understanding of the assignment principles.

6 to 8 points

Most of the components of the Discussion Board Forum prompt are answered in the thread, though more detail would render a more comprehensive review of the assignment. The thread has a logical flow. Major points are stated reasonably well. Major points are supported by good examples or analysis.

1 to 5 points

The Discussion Board Forum prompt is addressed minimally. The thread lacks flow or content. Major points are unclear or confusing. Major points are not supported by examples or thoughtful analysis.

0 points

Not present

Successful Negotiations

5 points

All assignment components are thoughtfully and comprehensively detailed, reflecting collegiate level reasoning and support. Relevant examples or explanations render a clear understanding of the assignment principles.

4 points

Most of the components of the Discussion Board Forum prompt are answered in the thread, though more detail would render a more comprehensive review of the assignment. The thread has a logical flow. Major points are stated reasonably well. Major points are supported by good examples or analysis.

1 to 3 points

The Discussion Board Forum prompt is addressed minimally. The thread lacks flow or content. Major points are unclear or confusing. Major points are not supported by examples or thoughtful analysis.

0 points

Not present

Scriptural Integration

5 points

Provides detailed answer/application to Scriptural integration prompt.

4 points

Vague or missing elements, Minimum word count of 100-199 words met.

1 to 3 points

Vague or missing elements, poorly addressed. Minimum word count of 1-99 words met.

0 points

Not present

Structure 30%

Advanced 90-100%

Proficient 70-89%

Developing 1-69%

Not present

Thread: Grammar and Spelling, Word Count

11 to 12 points

Meets 350-word minimum, spelling and grammar are correct in accordance with APA requirements. Sentences are complete, clear, and concise, pertinent to the assignment topic(s). Where applicable, references are cited in current APA format.

8 to 10 points

Spelling and grammar has some errors. Sentences are presented as well. Paragraphs contain some varied sentence structures. Where applicable, references are cited with some APA formatting.

1 to 7 points

Spelling and grammar errors distract. Sentences are incomplete or unclear. Paragraphs are poorly formed. Where applicable, references are minimally or not cited in current APA format.

0 points

Not present

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