All discussions must take into account the legal and ethical  considerations, as well as issues of culture and human diversity that  may pertain to the questions below.

Begin Final Exam
The Final Exam consists of eight (8) Essay questions. Use the reading  assignments thoroughly in an integrative discussion of your own understanding  of the questions posed. Remember to reference all work cited or quoted  by the text author. You should be doing this often in your responses. If you use outside resources, they should support the text information, but not replace the text.
All discussions must take into account the legal and ethical  considerations, as well as issues of culture and human diversity that  may pertain to the questions below.  Legal and Ethical information  is in Chapter 16 of the course text. Cultural information is covered  throughout the course text and DSM 5. You may use alternative cultural  resources to enhance your work.
Your response to each question should be approx. 1 page per question.
Your total assignment should be 8-9 pages plus a title and reference page.
Due Week 8
1.  What is meant by the notion that mental illness is a social  construction? How does cross-cultural research suggest that  psychopathology is universal rather than a social construction?
2.  It is widely recognized that people with autism spectrum disorder  display deficits in communication and social behavior. It is perhaps  less often noted that in some areas, their abilities may surpass those  of people without autism spectrum disorder.  What is your understanding  if this theory? How do the enhanced abilities of those with autism  spectrum disorder lend credence to an evolutionary approach to  psychopathology?
3.  Phrases such as “broken hearts” and “hurt feelings” liken emotional  pain to physical pain. To what extent is the metaphor implied in these  phrases supported neuroscientifically?
4.  The role of trauma and the experience of unusual states of awareness  or identity in the dissociative disorders have led psychologists to  explore the relationship between dissociation and post-traumatic stress,  on the one hand, and hypnosis, on the other. Briefly summarize the  results of this research.
5.  Discuss some of the reasons why the treatment of substance-related  and addictive disorders is especially challenging. Addiction to  methamphetamine is particularly difficult to treat. Review some of the  cognitive deficits seen in methamphetamine addiction and explain how  these deficits complicate efforts to treat the addiction.
6.  Outline the neurodevelopmental hypothesis of the etiology of  schizophrenia. In what way does schizophrenia represent a paradox from  an evolutionary standpoint?
7.  Discuss the evidence for genetic and environmental contributions to  personality disorders. Identify the specific experiences that seem to  underlie personality disorders. Which personality disorder seems the most genetic?
8. Highlight the beneficial effects of physical exercise not only on  preventing cognitive impairment among older adults without  neurocognitive disorders but also on reversing decline among those with  mild neurocognitive impairment.
Assignment Outcomes

Analyze the physical, cognitive, social and personality aspects of abnormal psychology and implications across the life span


Examine the major diagnostic domains and specific criteria associated with DSM-5 disorders.


Evaluate legal and ethical issues in mental health treatment


Develop an awareness of diversity and cross-cultural perspectives in abnormal psychology.


Explore available treatment and interdisciplinary services for community members experiencing mental health disorders.


Identify the barriers associated with seeking and receiving therapeutic services.


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