answer 3 question and each question have 1 short article to read answer each question for 4 7 sentences

1. Paul Theroux’s essay Being a Man explores the author’s understanding of society’s expectations of men. Describe what it means to “be a man,” according to Theroux. Does Theroux accept this definition of manhood? Justify your answer with three examples from the text.

2. Amy Cunningham’s essay Why Women Smile explores the concept that women smile more often than men, and for different reasons. Explain why women smile according to Cunningham, and describe her response to this circumstance. Does Cunningham believe women should smile as much as they do? Justify your response with two examples from the text.

3. The essay Looking at Women by Scott Russell Sanders explores the biological and social implications of men’s attraction to women. Describe Sanders’ attitude toward the way that men perceive women, and explain the result of this perception, using three examples from the text.

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