assignment summary 1

Select a cultural group (or subcultural group) you have or will likely encounter in the workplace. This group should be one that you don’t know much about, but would like to learn more about.

You will identify three ways in which you will explore this culture. You can select the three ways from the following list (however, you do need to select at least one option that involves talking to someone from this culture either in an interview, visiting a cultural space and informally talking, etc.):

  1. Talk with someone from this culture.
  2. Watch YouTube videos from/about this culture.
  3. Watch a documentary from/about this culture.
  4. Watch television programming from/about this culture.
  5. Read a book/article/newspaper from/about this culture.
  6. Listen to music from this culture.
  7. Go to a physical public space (where you are welcome) where people from this culture reside.
  8. Go to an online site/forum/group/social media page from a person or group from this culture. (If appropriate, talk with people.)
  9. Read academic articles from/about this culture.
  10. (There are many other ways to engage, so you can always reach out to your professor to approve other ways of cultural engagement).

To complete this assignment:

First write a short paragraph about why you selected the cultural group you did.

  • Discuss what you want to learn about this cultural group and why.
  • Discuss how this relates to your current or future place of work.

Second, list your three resources (links if applicable).

Write 1-2 paragraphs about how each source will give/has given you insights into this culture. (Know you will be engaging with these sources for your class essay.)

You will use this assignment as a launching point for your essay (see Module 3).

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