Attendance Policy

Attendance Policy


This class depends on active participation from all students. Your attendance and participation are necessary for the functionality of the course. For this reason, I expect regular attendance and will allow only 4 absences per quarter. There are no excused absences. Five or more absences will result in a failing grade.  I recommend saving your absences for emergencies, but if you do have a serious illness or other emergency during the semester, please contact me as early as possible) so that we can work out a reasonable solution.


Coming to class late is disrupts the learning processes for yourself and others. You are allowed to come in late 3 times per quarter. The fourth tardy will count as an absence. Students more than 15 minutes late may be considered absent. Late returns from class breaks, or leaving class when it is not break time, may also count as tardies.


*Cell phones, tablets, and/or laptops may be used for educational purposes related to specific assignments in our class. However, the instructor has permission to remove devices from your possession if they are distracting you from class activities or otherwise being used inappropriately in the classroom.

Absences for Religious Reasons

Religious Accommodations Policy

University policy grants students excused absences from class or other organized activities for observance of religious holy days, unless the accommodation would create an undue hardship. Faculty are asked to be responsive to requests when students contact them in advance to request such an excused absence. Students are responsible for completing assignments given during their absence, but students will be given an opportunity to make up work missed because of religious observance.

Once a student has registered for a class, the student is expected to examine the course syllabus for potential conflicts with holy days and to notify the instructor by the end of the first week of classes (Saturday, March 31) if there are any conflicts that may require an absence (including any required additional preparation or travel time). The student is also expected to remind the faculty member in advance of the missed class, and to make arrangements in advance (with the instructor) to make up any missed work or in-class material within a reasonable amount of time.

Long-term Absences for Medical Reasons

A lengthy or serious illness which results in your having more than the number of absences allowed for the course may make you eligible for a Medical Leave of Absence. In some circumstances, students with documentation and otherwise strong grades in the course may be able to take an Incomplete (I) grade.  In order to qualify for a Medical Leave of Absence or an Incomplete, you will need to work with your instructors and the DU Health & Counseling Center to complete the appropriate procedures and paperwork.

Homework Policy

All assignments must be turned in on time.  Most written assignments will be submitted through Canvas. If you cannot attend class, you should still make arrangements to submit your homework on time online.  If the homework is late, you may not receive full credit for your work; the instructor has the right not to accept or to grade late work.

In addition, many graded assignments may be assigned for completion during class. Therefore, it will be helpful for you to have a laptop or tablet with Internet access at all class sessions. Bring a charger with you if you think your battery will go dead!

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