) Briefly explain what is a SWOT analysis tool, and what are its essential components?

1) Briefly explain what is a SWOT analysis tool, and what are its essential components?

A SWOT analysis is a common strategic business planning tool that involves composing a list of four elements related to a new business project: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

(2) Briefly explain the single most essential leadership behavioral skill a CEO must possess to foster a strategically environmentally aware organization, why is this the most essential?

(3) Select a company you know well and explain how this company’s resources fits all ‘four criteria’ for a sustainable competitive advantage, support your answer solidly.




explain what is a



analysis tool,

and what are its essential components?

A SWOT analysis is a common strategic business planning tool that involves

composing a list of four elements related to a new business project: strengths,

weaknesses, opportunities and threat






explain the

single most essential leadership behavioral skill a CEO must possess to foster a





organization, why is this the most essential?

(3) Select a company you know well and explain how this company’s resources fits all ‘four cr

iteria’ for a

sustainable competitive advantage, support your answer solidly.

(1) Briefly explain what is a SWOT analysis tool, and what are its essential components?

A SWOT analysis is a common strategic business planning tool that involves

composing a list of four elements related to a new business project: strengths,

weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

(2) Briefly explain the single most essential leadership behavioral skill a CEO must possess to foster a

strategically environmentally aware organization, why is this the most essential?

(3) Select a company you know well and explain how this company’s resources fits all ‘four criteria’ for a

sustainable competitive advantage, support your answer solidly.

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