Building and Sustaining Virtual Groups or Teams For this discussion, consider how to build and sustain virtual groups or teams.

Building and Sustaining Virtual Groups or Teams For this discussion, consider how to build and sustain virtual groups or teams.

•What online nursing forums do you currently use, and how do you use them? (YOU CAN USE ALLNURSES.COM or any other American site)

•What are the benefits and limitations of using an online nursing forum? •How does your current organization use its own Web site, Facebook page, YouTube page, or other social media?

•What legal or ethical concerns could result from the use of social media?

•What does your Board of Nursing say about the use of social media for registered nurses?

Write a succinct initial post of at least 150 words. Demonstrate clarity of thought and precision in writing. Support your discussion with at least one APA formatted reference in the post, and at the end.

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