business ethics 2 page essay

Assignment Overview

In this assignment you will be asked to consider the role of organizational leaders with respect to ensuring companies work to create an ethical workplace culture. It is important for all upper level leaders to ‘walk the talk’ so to speak. In addition, many larger companies have a Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer who provides leadership and oversight to the company’s business ethics related endeavors. Recall that Lockheed Martin has such an executive level position. However, not all companies have such a position. In this assignment you will be asked to discuss the contributions of executive leaders and of the Ethics Officer with respect to building an organization that values workplace ethics.

  1. What do you believe are the most important characteristics of ethical leadership?
  2. Describe the relationship between the ethical leader and the follower.
  3. Why is this relationship important for organizations that are attempting to do the right thing?
  4. Based on your readings (both the articles provided and Terris’ text), what is the role of the Chief Ethics Officer and how does the role of this person relate to the success of the ethics related endeavors within large organizations?

SLP Assignment Expectations

Your paper should be 2–3 pages, double-spaced and in 12-point type size.

Your paper should have a separate cover page and a separate reference page. Make sure you cite your sources.

Use APA style, and proofread your paper.

Upload your paper by the end of the module.

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