Business Policy And Strategy Questions Attached.

APA format questions are listed below.

1) Describe the process of performing an external audit in an organization doing strategic planning for the first time. ( Min 200 words)

2) Why should firms formulate and implement strategies from an environmental perspective? (Min 75 words)

3) Why is it important not to view the concept of “whistleblowing” as “tattling” or “ratting” on another employee? (Min 75 words)

4) How can firms ensure that their code of business ethics is read, understood, believed, remembered, and acted on rather than ignored? (Min 75 words)

5) Discuss bribery. Would actions, such as politicians adding earmarks in legislation or pharmaceutical salespersons giving away drugs to physicians, constitute bribery? Identify three business activities that would constitute bribery and three actions that would not. (Min 75 words)

6) What do you feel is the relationship between personal ethics and business ethics? Are they or should they be the same? (Min 200 words)

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