can anyone help me with my math homework i already did some but my grade is a 70 i would like no less that a 85 it s due tomorrow night

M2A1 MyMathLab: Reading and Solving Practice Problems In this activity, you will read assigned sections of the book and solve assigned problems in MyMathLab. This reading and problem solving will be essential background for you to complete the remainder of the module work.

Instructions:The problems in MyMathLab are important to practice to develop and demonstrate your understanding of the concepts covered in this module.

Read Sections 3A and 4B of the text (yes, that is the first section of Chapter Three and the second section of Chapter FOUR). There are some complicated formulas in section 4B, and although you are not expected to master the use of the equations themselves, you should read all the surrounding material to master what the formulas mean.

View the video Compound Interest (Links to an external site.).

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