Charts and Writing

Learning Activity #1

Albert Einstein was quoted as saying “Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.” Every effective manager/leader will most likely face opposition within their own organization; however, in order to capitalize on the strengths and mitigate the weaknesses, an organization must first understand their key internal forces. An internal analysis is an opportunity for the employees within the organization to understand how what they do fits into the organization as a whole. Likewise, there are external factors that affect organizations that are often difficult to mitigate, but nonetheless critical to understand.

Using the company selected during the Week 1 discussions (Ryder System Inc.), create an abbreviated IFE and EFE chart using the format below.

EFE — Key External Factors



Weighted Score





IFE — Key Internal Factors



Weighted Score





Learning Activity #2

Once you have completed both charts from Learning Activity #1 prepare a paragraph that discusses: (1) why you chose those strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and (2) what the weighted IFE and EFE scores mean for that organization from a strategic planning point of view, i.e., where should they focus their strategic energy and resources (internally or externally) based on the overall weighted score and why.

Offer supporting rationale for your explanation and be sure to reference your statements using proper APA formatting.

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