Compare behavior under the two conditions – faces upright versus faces inverted.
Compare behavior under the two conditions – faces upright versus faces inverted. Data from 2/4/18 (V 2/17/18)Your first paper for Psych 250 will be based on the data on face recognition that we obtained in class on February 4th.For your paper you will compare performance of those who viewed the photographs in the usual upright position and to those who viewed the identical photographs upside-down. Does the orientation of the photographs matter? We found that the viewing the faces inverted significantly reduced accuracy in discriminating between faces seen before (OLD) from similar faces (NEW) that had not been seen previously. Descriptive Statistics: Obtain means and standard deviations for the six participants tested under the two conditions – upright and inverted. You must do this for accuracy. Optional: Do this for sensitivity (d’) and bias (criterion position). Provide this information in the Result section as figures and/or tables. Below are examples of images copied from pdf articles by “taking a snapshot” and “pasting” on a Word document. If you do this for your paper in the Figure legend refer to the article from which you copied the image. If done for publication you would need the author’s permission. Did the orientation of the faces affect recognition? In presenting the results of an experiment, after you describe what was found (e.g., means and standard deviations), use inferential statistics, here a two tailed t-test for independent groups , to determine whether the observed findings, here difference in accuracy for inverted and upright faces, is “significant, ” Before testing for significance decide on the level (e.g. p null hypothesis. If the test shows that the probability that the difference as decided beforehand is less than 5 in 100, p effect. Do the math by hand or use SPSS, Excel.You are to include a figure, a graph, in your Result section in which you compare performance under the two conditions. I would like you to use Excel for this. To add Excel to your research skills start with the overview provided by means of this YouTube video. This is not necessary for the present paper but is highly recommended for later use. l The Result section of your paper is to include a bar graph showing the number of proportion of correct identifications under the two conditions – upright and inverted.The Discussion section of a research paper often includes an idea for a follow-up a suggestion or an experiment based upon a question or idea suggested by the reported research. This is not required but, if in preparing your paper, you think of an interesting follow-up to our experiment include that in the Discussion section of your paper.Literature Review: We discussed the Method and Result section of your paper. Prepare your figures and tables as suggested. Your task now is to select articles that you will use as prime reference(s) in your paper .You may use the Hills et al. (2011) article as prime reference but, if so, you will have the not so easy task of discussing how attention to the eyes, for example, is related to the the inversion effect as found under the conditions we examined in our class experiment. If you prefer you can select an article that addresses a broader question than “attention misplaced’”, that is one that examines more general effects of recognition accuracy on inversion, for example, as affected by the type of image, by familiarity, by experience.
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