Compare the similarities and differences of a diabetes web page designed for the mainstream vs one designed specifically for Indigenous Australians.

Analysis of How’s Your Sugar?
“How’s your sugar” is a web paged based on narrative health information sharing/storytelling, rather than the typical bio-medical ideas of health. Understanding narrative health and how people tell their ‘medical stories’ is important for health professionals.
This alternative way of allowing people to express and understand their own “health story” is often more efficient, educational and informative.

This assignment is about us as health care professionals being able to listen to medical stories, and connect with people in ways other than the traditional/Westernised medical models (for example
Assessment Criteria:
1. Give a BRIEF summary of 2 locations i.e. the fridge, medicine cupboard, kitchen table, outside and make connections to what “medical information is given”, and how a ‘peer-to diabetic peer’ models is used to share that information.
Remember this is not a clinical assessment, it is a sociological assessment.
Think about why the things are where they are? Why are they presented in the way they are present? What are the web designers trying to say/show us?

2.a) Give an explanation of why the design of the webpage uses a digital narrative.
2. b) Compare the similarities and differences of a diabetes web page designed for the mainstream vs one designed specifically for Indigenous Australians. Please cite the web pages on the referencing page.
3. Provide an example of another website that uses a narrative health model that is based on a health website. (Citation of website to be in APA referencing style. Website only)

4. A conclusion based on your investigation to reflect your professional response.
Does this format work as a primary source of education and health promotion? If so why? If not why?

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