Compare the tables with each other analysing each figures not using my comments
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1. What are graduate students’ learning styles and strategies?
Learner autonomy questionnaire: (Mainly learning styles and strategies)
a. Here there are 18 figures, (The Juri wrote) Compare the tables with each other analysing each figures not using my comments. I am going to add the new analysis on to my comments. Three sentences are enough for each figure. (each figures needs two or three analysing sentences)
b. Find the question of students learning styles and strategies. One page is enough for the answer.
At the end of the questionnaire, one page general comment on the answer of the question.
2. To what degree are graduate students autonomous in their foreign language proficiency development? Mainly A lot of learning can be done without a teacher.10, 5 %agree + 15, 1 % strongly agree= 25, 6 %shows that they are autonomous.
a. Here are 12 figures (The Juri wrote) Compare the tables with each other analysing each figures not using my comments. I am going to add the new analysis on to my comments. Three sentences are enough for each figure.
3. Find the question of students learning styles and strategies. One and half page is enough for the answer. At the end of the questionnaire, one page general comment on the answer of the question.(The answer will around : A lot of learning can be done without a teacher.10, 5 %agree + 15, 1 % strongly agree= 25, 6 %shows that they are autonomous.
b. 4.4 Data analysis of the questionnaire of sill
3.1.Analysing of the tables. There are ten tables. Each table needs four sentences to make analyse.
At the end of the questionnaire, one page general comment on strategies results of the statistical data
c. The analysis of the correlation of six categories of SILL
There are four tables need analysing under the tables but not much. Each tables needs three sentences.
4. What is the difference between instructed and non-instructed EFL proficiency development and does this have any correlation with the graduatents’ YDS results?
This part depends on case study. There are 30 tables. Some tables needs two sentences, some sentences need three.
At the end, one page on the answer of the question.
a.Between instructed and non-instructed EFL proficiency development?
b. this have any correlation with the graduatents’ YDS results?
At the end, one page on the answer of the question. How relatingthe study to other/ previous studies?
c. 4.9. Responses of participants who passed YDS exam.
From 4.9.1(from Table.45 to 4.53)analysis
a. (From4. 54 to 4.62) analysis
(The juri wrote)-Note areas that the authors are in disagreement
Highlight exempleary studies
5. Can learners improve their language proficiency through autonomous learning?
The asnswer: YES.Experimental group: From the beginning till the end of the study.f we compare the other group, there is no difference. (This is the main sentence. It can be written around the main sentence)
Experimental (Non-instructed) Class Number Mean Std. Deviation Std.Error Mean
1.Sample Test 15 37,93 9,035 2 ,332
2.(Mid-term)Sample Test 15 42,06 9,654 2,492
3.Final Sample Test 15 44,46 10,868 2,806
4.YDS Exam 15 47,25 11,065 2,857
5.Summary of the fourth question or analysis of the data.
please add the sentences on to my dissertation chapter.
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