complexity of carbohydrates in vegetables

Write a one to two page summary of the following learning objectives:
the main nutrient differences in meats versus vegetables
the complexity of carbohydrates in vegetables
vegetable biota in relation to soil biota
the main characteristics of lactic acid bacteria and why they colonize vegetables
the relationship of coliforms to vegetables
the relationship of sporeformers to vegetables
the spoilage of vegetables by its biota
sporeformer vegetable pathogens and their relation to spices
survival of E. coli and Salmonella in dry plant foods
the main nutrient differences in meats versus fruits
the significance of the pH level of 4.6 regarding fruits
the potential hazard E. coli O157:H7 is for unpasteurized fruit juice
the role watering plays in vegetable and fruit microbiology
The post [ANSWERED]
Write a one to two page summary of the following learning objectives:

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