Crabs, political science assignment help

Open this Discussion Board and click Create Thread to post to it. Please respond to the discussion prompt below. Due date: see course calendar. No late submissions accepted.

Step 1: Search for for an interesting picture of an arthropod – your choice. Choose a striking picture by typing the name of an arthropod into the search bar, then using ‘All Creative Commons’ under ‘Any License type’ on right side of screen.

Step 2: Create a symbolic meaning for the arthropod picture. Briefly describe (100-200 words) your symbolic meaning for the arthropod- what word, emotion, action, etc. could it symbolize and why?

Step 3: Download and save image to your computer.

Step 4: Attach picture to your discussion post

Step 5: Give credit to photographer in your discussion post by providing photographer’s full name and date photo was taken an website link.

Step 6: Read and respond to at least one classmate’s post. (Remember to follow netiquette policy by using professional language.)

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