create an APA reference list that contains ten total research articles

Prioritize three quality measures used in operational design.
Your boss has asked you to represent the organization in regards to participating on an industry research panel on quality measures. There is an expectation that all participants submit any required work before the initial meeting.
Your job is to create an APA reference list that contains ten total research articles. The requirement is that five of the articles are focused on quality management, and the other five are centered on quality measures. Along with the reference list, please submit a paragraph describing the process you used for selecting the articles, and what criteria you used in the search process in order to prepare for the industry research panel.

Grading Rubric
FFCBA01234Not SubmittedNo PassCompetenceProficiencyMasteryNot SubmittedThe reference list is incomplete.The reference list contains references, but there are APA format issues.The reference list is complete and APA format is correct, but include references older than five years.The reference list is complete, formatted correctly in APA, and the references are within the past five years.Not SubmittedThe reference list contains little relevant quality management references.The reference list contains an adequate amount of relevant quality management references, but all sources lack credibility.The reference list contains adequate amount of relevant quality management references, but some sources lack credibility.The reference list contains substantial (6+) quality management references of high credibility.Not SubmittedThe reference list contains few relevant quality measure references.The reference list contains an adequate amount of relevant quality measure references, but all sources lack credibility.The reference list contains adequate amount of relevant quality measure references, but some sources lack credibility.The reference list contains substantial (6+) quality measure references of high credibility.Not SubmittedThe submission contains a loose description explaining the process used.The submission contains a minimal description explaining the process used and some search criteria descriptors.The submission contains a good description explaining the process and search criteria descriptors.The submission contains a clear description including fully showcased and explained search criteria descriptors.

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