Create five best practices for effective teacher leadership that can be utilized when transforming from a school into a learning organization. (Best practices can come from a combination of personal experience, text, outside research, etc.)

From the first e-Activity, analyze the educational leadership practices discussed in the case study. Select the teacher leadership practice that you prefer and explain why. From the second e-Activity, determine whether you are a teacher leader or not. If you consider yourself to be a teacher leader outside of the classroom, examine three different ways that you share your teacher leadership skills with your coworkers. If you do not consider yourself to be a teacher leader, propose three ways that you could become a teacher leader. Create five best practices for effective teacher leadership that can be utilized when transforming from a school into a learning organization. (Best practices can come from a combination of personal experience, text, outside research, etc.)

Week 3 eActivity Go to Penn State’s Journal of Research in Rural Education’s Website and read “Case Study of Leadership Practices and School-Community Interrelationships in High-Performing, High-Poverty, Rural California High Schools”, located at Be prepared to discuss. If the above link does not work. Try this one Klar,H. (2013). Successful leadership in a rural high poverty school. Retrieved Watch the video titled “Teacher Leadership Videos – Intro to Leadership” (1 m 46 s), found on YouTube’s Website, located at Be prepared to discuss.

I have downloaded the entire book for this class please read chapter 4 for this week




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