Description of at least 3 ethical and/or legal issues in the vignette

Case Vignette 1
You began working started your new job as a counselor at a Native American reservation in Arizona. You are new to the area and the population. Discuss the ethical guidelines you will want to consider in your work with this client.

Case Vignette 2 You are working at a community mental health center in New York City. Your newest client is a 40 year old Mexican woman, married, living with her extended family in New York. She is unemployed and has two children, ages 8 and 10. She is experiencing severe depression and was referred by her family physician. Discuss the ethical guidelines you will want to consider in your work with this client. In the case analysis, please include the following information:

Description of at least 3 ethical and/or legal issues in the vignette
Identification of relevant ethical codes
Explanation of 3 courses of action to resolve the issue
Description of the decision-making process for each course of action
Assessment of option that best upholds the ethical standards of the profession
The paper should be 5 to 6 pages, and include a minimum of 3 scholarly resources. APA format.

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