Design a quality improvement program that would have a better chance of being successful if used by Judy.

Please read Case Incident, then,
using The Short Essay Format, answer the 2 questions that follow the incident. Please use references where applicable. 1/2 page for each question.

“Upgrading Quality”
Judy Franklin, the plant manager of Smart Manufacturing Company, was reviewing
the Quality Control Department figures with despair. Once again, the department’s
figures indicated quality improvements were not being made. Judy was annoyed. “I
don’t understand it,” she thought. “I’ve been stressing to my staff for over a year that
I want to see some quality improvements, but it just doesn’t seem to be happening.
Quality may actually be worse now than it was a year ago!”
Judy called in David Berg, the quality control manager, and production manager
Stuart Lewicki. “Look,” Judy said, “I told both of you over a year ago I wanted to see
some improvements in quality around here, and we’ve talked about it at every staff
meeting since then. But nothing has happened. What’s going on?”
David spoke up. “My department just inspects the products. The quality problems
occur in production. All I can do is what I’ve been doing all along—tell Stuart about
the problems we are seeing. I’ve already told him that 50 percent of the quality problems are caused by worker carelessness.” “I know,” said Stuart. “I don’t understand it. I’ve been stressing to my shift supervisors that we need to see quality improvements. They have all told me they are coming
down really hard on quality problems and are telling their people they need to work
harder on getting out a quality product. Just the other day, Frances Stanfield threatened to fire Joe Duncan if she got any more complaints from quality control about
Joe’s work.”
1. Why have efforts to improve quality failed?
2. Design a quality improvement program that would have a better chance of being
successful if used by Judy.




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