Directions: Choose a family member or friend to interview that has made a positive behavior change for their health. You may use the possible interview questions below as a guide

Directions: Choose a family member or friend to interview that has made a positive behavior change for their health. You may use the possible interview questions below as a guide

1. What behavior change did you make, and what prompted you to make the decision to change?

2. Did you make a plan before you started? If so, how did you construct this plan?

3. What role did social support play in your journey to change? Were friends and family around you involved in changing this behavior?

4. What were your greatest challenges or barriers?

5. How have you been able to maintain this change? What are your plans moving forward?

Assignment is the reflection only not the Q and A from the interview. Write a reflection on what this interview has taught you. Be sure to answer the following questions: Why do you think this person has been successful in changing their behavior? Has this person inspired you to make additional health behavior changes yourself? How did their social support help them make these changes? Which of the four theories? (Health Belief Model, Trans-theoretical Model, Social Cognitive Theory, or Theory of Reasoned Action/Theory of Planned Behavior) would apply best to this individual, and why?

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