Discuss an evidence-based practice article on the role of a Community Health Nurse and how it relates to nurses at your clinical site.

There is much disagreement regarding rights to healthcare in the U.S. What do you think?
Review the article Rights to Healthcare in the United States: Inherently Unstable (cite:
Orentlicher, D. (2012). Rights to healthcare in the United States: Inherently unstable. American
Journal of Law and Medicine, 38, 326-347).
After reviewing the article write a paper from 4-5 pages in length double spaced following the
format listed below:
• In the first two pages, set forth points with which you agree or disagree and why.
• In the remainder of your paper set forth your own personal opinion regarding the way
our country should go in regard to health care.

a. Describe the role of the nurse in your Community Health clinical setting.

b. Do the roles and responsibilities differ from a nurse in an inpatient setting? If so, explain how.

c. How has your role as a Student Nurse evolved over the clinical rotation?

d. Discuss an evidence-based practice article on the role of a Community Health Nurse and how it relates to nurses at your clinical site.

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