discuss the primary weaknesses of the article

PSYC313: Child Development Spring 2018 Moffett

Article Critique Instructions

The goals for this assignment are for students to begin thinking analytically and constructively about the information they are reading. This assignment is intended to develop the skills needed in order to be a critical consumer of developmental science research.

Article critiques should be 1.5-2 pages in length, double-spaced, and in 12pt. Times New Roman font. Students are required to complete 3 critiques throughout the semester due on the following days: Feb 11, March 4, March 25 by the start of class. They are each worth 10 points. Electronic submissions will be accepted through Blackboard. The grading rubric is provided on the following page. Late submissions will not be accepted. Students should pick an article from the list provided in the syllabus.

Students should cover the following areas in their reviews:

· A brief review of the main goals, research questions, and findings of the article. What did the authors seek to find? What was their main research question? Briefly, how did they design their experiment to answer this question? What were their conclusions?

· Briefly discuss the primary strengths of the article. What are the strengths in the authors methodology? Was their sample size adequate? Did they use the appropriate population for their study? What do you think they did well? Why do you think these are strengths? What makes these strengths helpful for the reader?

· Briefly discuss the primary weaknesses of the article. What do you think they could have done better? Was their methodology sound? What could they do differently? Did their argument make sense? Why are these considered weaknesses? Give a suggestion for improvement.

· A brief discussion about how this article could relate to your own life. How does this article relate to a personal story from your own life? How could you apply these research findings to something that you have experienced? How could you use the findings from this article to inform/advise others about this topic?

At the end of each article critique, students will also assign the article a grade between 1 (extremely weak, I never want to read this again) to 10 (extremely strong, everyone I know should read this article!) based on how helpful the article was to the student’s understanding of the material.

Note: Make sure you are NOT addressing the writing style/quality, readability, format, layout, or anything else stylistic about the article. This is not the intention of this assignment and you will lose points if you address these aspects as either strengths or weaknesses.

Article Critique Rubric

Name: ____________________________________________________ Grade: ________ / 10

Article Critique # ________ Article Title: _____________________________________

· General overview of the article (2 points)

· A concise review of the article is provided, including a description of the authors’ main goals, research questions, and findings

· An overview was provided but it did not clearly discuss the main research questions, goals, or findings

· No overview was provided

· Discussion of the primary strengths of the article (2 points)

· A concise description of the article’s main strengths is discussed, and a discussion of the justification and helpfulness of these strengths is provided

· A description of the article’s main strengths is discussed, but little justification for these strengths is provided

· No discussion of the strengths of the article is provided

· Discussion of primary weaknesses of the article (2 points)

· A concise description of the article’s main weaknesses is discussed, and a discussion of the justification of these weaknesses is provided

· A description of the article’s main weaknesses is discussed, but little justification for these weaknesses is provided

· No discussion of the weaknesses of the article is provided

· Discussion of how this article relates to the student’s life (2 points)

· A concise description of how this article relates to the student’s life is provided, as well as an example of how this article may be useful to inform others about this topic is discussed

· A description of how this article relates to the student’s own life is provided, but little is discussed about the helpfulness of this article in teaching others

· No discussion of how this article relates to the student’s own life is provided

· Overall rating of the article (2 points)

· A rating is provided that reflects the helpfulness of the article in the student’s understanding of the material, and the level of interest this article has captured

· A rating is provided, but it does not align with the critique

· No rating is provided


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