discussion promotion via social media

Read the following article and discuss the effectiveness of social media advertising compared with other types of digital advertising. What do you think of the effectiveness of digital media compared with traditional ones? How could the firms use different media to gain competitive advantages?

A brand new game; marketing in the digital age. (2015, Aug 29). The Economist, 416, 51-52.

Module 3 – Background

Promotion and Primary Research

Fulgoni, G. M. (2016). Fraud in digital advertising: A multibillion-dollar black hole. Journal of Advertising Research, 56(2), 122-125.

Kumar, V., & Mirchandani, R. (2012). Increasing the ROI of social media marketing.MIT Sloan Management Review, 54(1), 55-61.

Lamberton, C., & Stephen, A. T. (2016). A thematic exploration of digital, social media, and mobile marketing: Research evolution from 2000 to 2015 and an agenda for future inquiry. Journal Of Marketing, 80(6), 146-172. doi:10.1509/jm.15.0415

Olbrich, R., & Schultz, C.,D. (2014). Multichannel advertising: Does print advertising affect search engine advertising? European Journal of Marketing, 48(9), 1731-1756.

Royne (Stafford), M. B. (2016). Research and publishing in the journal of advertising: Making theory relevant. Journal of Advertising, 45 (2), 269-273.

Soat, M. (2013). Digital advertising’s automated future. Marketing News, 47 (9), 4-5.

Sun, Q., & Spears, N. (2012). Frustration and consumer evaluation of search advertising and search engine effectiveness: The case of hedonic vs. utilitarian product. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 13 (2), 122-134.

Taylor, C. R. (2009). The six principles of digital advertising. International Journal of Advertising, 28(3), 411-418.

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