Economic Political and Social Adversity Challenges a Nation


This assignment will consist of completing 2 individual parts.

For the 1st part you must choose 5 events from the list provided during the 70’s and provide very basic information. Dates, purpose and reference. There is no word count for this section of the assignment so questions can be answered in 1 or 2 sentences.

The 2nd part of the assignment will require you to either recall three 70’s shows from the list provided or briefly watch episodes to identify culture from an anthropologist view.

  • Gender, racial, ethnic, and social aspects
  • Family relationships
  • Fashion and attire
  • Values
  • Interests
  • Material culture
  • Reflection of social movements of the 1970s

The report for the second part must meet certain criteria.

1. Must be original

2. Must use at least 1 in text citation

3. Paper and references must be in APA format

4. Must contain between 350-700 words

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