Effects of Financing Systems on Higher Eduaction

When a government funds for higher education, equality, fairness and justice is enhanced. In this case, as far as funding is merit based, the deserving students have equal opportunities of attaining a higher education in spite of the social and economic background. Similarly, government funding reduces unhealthy competition among higher learning institutions, individuals and money lending institutions (Kretovics & Michael, 2005; Barr & Crawford, 2005). The government involvement also ensures that continuous development of a country is enhanced. On the other hand, the government involvement on how the funds are spent by the institutions may compromise the quality of education offered as well as delaying other development projects of a given institution. Similarly, the taxpayers may not have a chance to directly enjoy the incentives of higher learning. This is more so if no children or relatives from such families will ever have an opportunity to attain funded higher education. This has raised many debates and controversies among the stakeholders involved in higher education and learning (Johnstone 2004).

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