ethics test review questions

Review Questions, Test 3

1.Explain a Kantian response to the amoralist. Justify fully your answer.

2.Explain David Hume’s position on morality and the passions. Why does he
claim that reason is a slave of the passions? Does he reject practical
reasoning? Would Hume’s position support morality as we currently
understand it? If so, why? If not, why not?

3.What is practical reasoning? Give some examples. What role does it serve
in Kant’s moral theory? Does Kant reject theoretical reasoning? Explain the
difference between the two forms of reasoning?

4.What are imperatives? Distinguish between categorical imperatives and
hypothetical imperatives. Give illustrative examples of each.

5.What is the first formulation of the Categorical Imperative? What is it
really about? Why is it considered a negative test? Explain.

6.State the second formulation of the Categorical Imperative. What is it
really about? Does it demand that we do not use people? Does
it demand that we should not let others use us? Justify fully your response.

7.Kant’s first formulation of the Categorical Imperative emphasizes
the role of maxims or rules in moral reasoning. Does this make Kant
subjective or objective about ethics? Why is this important?

8.What is the universalizability criterion? With an example, explain
its application.

9.What is the good will?

10.”For Kant, actions are morally praiseworthy when we make ourselves
as well as others generally happy.” Is this true or false? Explain fully.
Explain the Kantian distinction between acting in accordance with duty and
acting from a sense of duty.

11. What, according to Rawls, is the original position? Discuss the
characteristics of the people in the original position? In particular, are they
supposed to be altruistic?

12. What is the veil of ignorance? What things are ‘bracketed’ by the veil?
What purpose does the veil serve in Rawls’ theory?

13. What, according to Rawls, are the two fundamental principles of
association for any just society? Name and distinguish the two principles.

14. Does Rawls forbid (rule out) all inequalities? If so, why? If not, why not? Under what conditions might he allow inequalities?

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