Explain how the professional journal article you selected defends its opposing view from the original article.

Due in 24hrs

For this assignment, review the article provided in this week’s resources, “Sadder and Less Accurate? False Memory for Negative Material in Depression.” Then, use the Walden University Library or Internet resources to find and select one professional journal article that presents an opposing view on this topic.

The assignment: (3–4 pages)

•Explain how the professional journal article you selected defends its opposing view from the original article.

•For each article, explain any biases, slants in opinions, and any other errors in logic that are present. Be specific and provide examples from the literature.

•Explain how, if at all, reading the opposing article changed your views on the topic presented in the original article.

•Explain the importance of applying critical thinking to the reading of psychological research and professional literature.

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