Explain in a paragraph the doctrine of stare decisis as distinguished from civil-law systems.

1.Explain in a paragraph the doctrine of stare decisis as distinguished from civil-law systems.

2. Discuss in a paragraph the factors that influence the realist-behavioralist in judicial decision making.

Which of the following best describes attitude theory?

The potential for influencing the tone of the conference deliberations is significant. For example, the social leader on the Court “attends to the emotional needs of his associates by affirming their values as individuals and as Court members In terms of personality, he is apt to be warm, receptive, and responsive.”

Justices want to influence the judgments of their colleagues and to be on the winning side as often as possible.

Justices view cases primarily in terms of the broad political and socioeconomic issues they raise and they generally respond to these issues in accordance with their personal values and ideological preferences.

A good deal of interaction takes place among the justices from the time a case is first discussed in conference to the moment the final decision is rendered.

Which of the following best describes cue theory?

Because Supreme Court justices receive so many petitions for review each year, they must look for readily identifiable characteristics that trigger a positive response as they decide whether to grant

Justices want to influence the judgments of their colleagues and to be on the winning side as often as possible.

Justices view cases primarily in terms of the broad political and socioeconomic issues they raise and they generally respond to these issues in accordance with their personal values and attitudes.

A good deal of interaction takes place among the justices from the time a case is first discussed in conference to the moment the final decision is rendered.

Which of the following best describes “fluidity” in judicial decision making?

Because Supreme Court justices receive so many petitions for review each year, they must look for readily identifiable characteristics that trigger a positive response as they decide whether to grant certiorari.

Justices want to influence the judgments of their colleagues and to be on the winning side as often as possible.

Justices view cases primarily in terms of the broad political and socioeconomic issues they raise and they generally respond to these issues in accordance with their personal values and ideological preferences.

A good deal of interaction takes place among the justices from the time a case is first discussed in conference to the moment the final decision is rendered.




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