Explain what information will be collected from these 15 participants that is useful to perform the statistical analysis and more importantly support the research questions

All added information must be in the color blue so I can know where it is (must be in chapter 3)
Please add all three bullets below, the software that will be use is NVivo software

Paper must be 100% plagiarism free, write with your own words.
This paper must have a strong introduction with a conclusion. Must be 100% plagiarism free (must be written in your own words). I will upload the Plagiarism report to you, must be at 0%.

(1) we need to explain method related to your specific study, explain what software tool, statistical analysis, … will be used to analyze the data.
(2) Explain what information will be collected from these 15 participants that is useful to perform the statistical analysis and more importantly support the research questions (and why…):
R1. What are the perceptive, beliefs and lived experience of the participants about how to use technological advancements?
R2. What are the perceptive, beliefs and lived experience can the government, and other interested parties implement to help increase senior citizens’ interest in technological advancements?
(3) Show information to be collected from these 15 participants for R1 and R2

Please stay on the topic
No references, must be in your own words
Instruction files

5-4-16-proposal_chapters_1_2_and_3-tp-.doc(280,00 KiB)




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