external forces and their impact on health care

Health care quality and safety are not solely dependent on the actions of individual providers and institutions. A host of external forces exert a profound influence on what happens within any single organization or the behavior of any individual provider. These external forces include accreditation bodies, regulators, legislatures, insurers, and many other entities. Sociopolitical forces, including the economy and public opinion, also play a role in how and how well health care is provided.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources.
  • Choose a specific example of an external force that influences health care and safety, as discussed in Chapter 2 of your Course Text.

Post a brief description of the external force you selected. Then, analyze how it influences health care quality management. (The external force can have minimal or extensive impact on quality.) Finally, evaluate whether the impact on health care is positive or negative, providing evidence to support your position.

Support your work with specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and/or additional sources, as appropriate. Your citations must be in APA format.

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