Final Project Milestone Three: Draft of Final Project II: Bioethics

For the Final Project II: Bioethics, you will analyze the Terri Schiavo case through the lens of bioethics. You will find resources to help get you started on the case in this week’s module resources and the case is also referenced in chapter 13 of your textbook.

To complete this assignment, review the Milestone Three Guideline and Rubric sheet attached below.

PLEASE respond to paper answering all questions provided within the rubric atached below and the Terri Case attached!

Review the Schiavo case as covered by the New York Times. Also watch the video (12:57) included with the article.

Terri Schiavo Documentary: The Case’s Enduring Legacy (13:06)

  • IHP420MilestoneThreeGuidelinesAndRubric.pdf
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