Food Safety Concerns

Part # 3: Food Safety Concerns (Worth 20 points) 

Food Additives: For this section you will need to identify common types of direct food additives. To receive full credit you will need to list ingredients, identify food additives, and state possible health concerns, for 2 processed foods of your choice. 

1. Food A: _________________ 

Ingredients List (Must include all ingredients.): 

Direct Food Additive (Choose 4 from the ingredients list.) 

1. 2. 3. 4. 

 Purpose (State the purpose of your chosen 4 additives.) 

1. 2. 3. 4. 

Possible Health Risk (You must state 2 possible health concerns associated with 2 of your 4 chosen additives.)   

1. 2. 

2. Food B: _________________ 

Ingredients List (Must include all ingredients.): 

Direct Food Additive (Choose 4 from the ingredients list.) 

1. 2. 3. 4. 

 Purpose (State the purpose of your chosen 4 additives.) 


2. 3. 4. 

Possible Health Risk (You must state 2 possible health concerns associated with 2 of your 4 chosen additives.)   

1. 2. 

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