For this summative assessment you are required to demonstrate your knowledge, skills and ability to: 1. Plan and organise marketing activities 2. Undertake a general public relations role 3. Review and report on marketing activities

For this summative assessment you are required to demonstrate your knowledge, skills and ability to:
1. Plan and organise marketing activities
2. Undertake a general public relations role
3. Review and report on marketing activities
Your overall result is based on the evidence you provide to meet the criteria for competence as specified in the unit of competency. You will receive a result of either Satisfactory (S) or Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS).
You will be required to demonstrate knowledge to finish the unit requirements safely and effectively: – Content and structure of marketing plan.
– Key marketing principles, including the marketing management process and the four Ps- product, place, price and promotion.
– Industry structure and interrelationships, industry netwroks and information sources.
– Industry and market knowledge appropriate to the sector and organisation, including :
– Distribution and marketing networks, especially those that support the product or service being promoted, including e-business options and major promotional events.
– Commission structures
– Current customer and market trends and preferences
– Features, benefits and practical application of marketing activities commonly used in the service industries, including :
– Advertising
– Familiarisations
– In-house promotions
– Public relations
– Social media
– Signage and display
– Legal issues that impact on the marketing of products and services, inclduing consumer protection provisions.
– Ethical cosiderations for marketing activities, including :
– Appropriate use of images and text
– Protection of children
– Targeting of particular groups in the community
– Sustainability considerations for marketing activities, including :
– Reducing waste of printed materials
– Sustainability as a marketing tool
You will be required to demonstrate skills to:
Numeracy skills to:
– Work within marketing budgets.
Communication skills to:
– Establish and conduct positive business relationships.
Critical thinking skills to:
– Evaluate the potential of different marketing activities.
Literacy skills to:
– Interpret market trend information and marketing plans.
– Develop detailed action plans for marketing activities. – Prepare media releases and marketing reports Self-management skills to:
– Take responsibility for the quality and outcomes of marketing activities.
Planning and organising skills to:
– Coordinate diverse and unpredictable operational details.
Problem-solving skills to:
– Proactively identify and respond to potentially complex implementation challenges.
Technology skills to:
– Work with current web based marketing technologies.

Type your answer in MS-Word and submit to your trainer before the due date.
You have just commenced working for a company that sells several accommodation packages.
Write a detailed report outlining:
– How the target market for these products/ services will be identified?
– The procedures to be followed to analyse the target markets.
– The customer/ customer profiling methods to be used.
– How you will develop marketing plans?
– The design and development of promotional activities you will use.
– How the success of your marketing plan/s will be monitored and evaluated?
– Legal liability and implications of consumer legislation that might be relevant.
Format the report in ways that would be acceptable to your work organisation and include any recommendations or suggestions (supported by evidence) for improvement. (Format might include charts, graphs and spreadsheets.)
Before strating the report consider the following questions:
1. Have you researched and understood the concept of a positioning strategy?
2. Do you have access to sufficient information to make informed marketing decisions?
3. Have you already started to collect information on competitors’ marketing activities?
4. Are you familiar with the products of your major competitors and how they are different or similar to your own?
5. Are you familiar with the media selected by competitors for their advertising?
6. Do you understand the demographic profiles associated with different media?
“S” indicates satisfactory answer
“NYS” indicates unsatisfactory answer and requires another attempt or until a successful result is achieved
Answer 1 Answer 2
Answer 3
Answer 4 Answer 6 Answer 7
Format and design
Charts or graphs
Answer 5
Overall Result
Trainer’s Comment
Trainer’s Signature
Assessment: SITXMPR404 Coordinate marketing activities
Version 1.1
Implemented January 2016 Review date April 2017
Responsibility & Copyright Australian College of Vocational Studies
Course: Advanced diploma of hospitality




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