History Book Essay from Eric Foner’s, Give Me Liberty, (Vol. 2)

This essay should be at least 8 pages long. It has to answer all the following questions and only cite from this book, do not use any other source.

At the beginning of each chapter of Eric Foner’s, Give Me Liberty, (Vol. 2), there are a series of Focus Questions; at the end are a series of Review Questions—I’ve selected and/or paraphrased a few of each. Read the appropriate sections of the following chapters and answer all of the following questions:

Ch.23, The United States and the Cold War (1945-1953)

  • What major ideological conflicts, security interests, and events brought about the Cold War? (Origins of the Cold War)

    Ch. 24, An Affluent Society (1953-1960)

  • Explain the meaning and causes of the “American Standard of Living” during the 1950s. Describe how the automobile transformed American communities and culture in the 1950s. (The Golden Age)

    Ch. 25, The Sixties (1960-1968)

  • Following the Civil Rights Movement for African Americans, what new movements for social change happened in the 1960s? What role did the Supreme Court play in the Rights Revolution? (The New Movements and the Rights Revolution)

    Ch. 26, The Triumph of Conservatism (1969-1988)

  • What were the chief domestic policies and foreign policies of Ronald Reagan’s presidency? (The Reagan Revolution)

    Ch.27, Globalization and its Discontents (1989-2000)

  • What cultural conflicts emerged in the 1990s? (Culture Wars)

Further Instructions

  • Use question-answer format—write out the question, then write a short essay answering it. Do that for each question.
  • Use quotes and page citations for each chapter (in parentheses at the end of the sentence). Essays that don’t will be graded down.
  • There’s no maximum length limit à write lots!

Your answers must come from the Foner book, don’t use outside sources.

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