How technology has benefited the society more specifically the HEALTH CARE SECTOR.

Define information technology. Talk about the development of technology, and the acceptance of it by users. How technology has benefited the society more specifically the HEALTH CARE SECTOR.MAIN FOCUS should be on ROBOTIC SURGERY! Define robotic surgery. How it has benefited the health care sector. Critcallyy evaluate the different studies on patients perception towards robotic surgery. i.e. fear, anxiety, misconeptions etc. Talk about the advantages and disadvantages towards this kind of surgical method and peoples views towards robotic surgery. Make reference to all surgeries where robots have been used and link it to patients perception.

A psychological theoretical framework needs to be applied as it is a psychology literature review. Make references to different theories that link to dissertation title. e.g. Fishbein & Ajzen Theory of reason action (TRA) and others.

Towards the end mention the lack of research in the area of robotic surgery on patients perception. Hence the reason for this study

Use different kind of Academic Journals, Books, Studies and etc. Use ‘NHS’ Website and mention statistics. please critically evaluate throughout.

Some references which may help:
Ahmad A, Ahmad ZF, Carleton JD, et al. Robotic surgery: Current perceptions and the clinical evidence. Surg Endosc 2016

Boys JA Alicuben ET, DeMeester MJ, et al. Public perceptions on robotic surgery, hospitals with robots, and surgeon that use them. Surg Endosc

Vargas Mv et al (2016) Patient perception of robotic surgery for Benign Gynecologic Disease.

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