I have written an introduction and thesis for my paper.

1. ________I have written an introduction and thesis for my paper.

2. ________ I have read how to write an introduction and formulate a thesis from the How-to guides posted in Blackboard and/or consulted with the Limestone Online Writing Lab.

a. _______My introduction explains what my paper will address (as stated in Steps 3 and 4).

b. ______My thesis states the purpose of my paper.

3. _______ I have summarized each of the FOUR editorials in the first half of my paper.

4. _______ I have evaluated EACH editorial using the HCTSR in the second half of my paper.

5. _______ I have assigned EACH editorial with an HCTSR rating number and justified this rating.

6. _______ I have included at least TWO examples of how EACH editorial author demonstrated critical thinking skills and/or how each author demonstrated a lack of critical thinking skills as part of my HCTSR rating justification.

7. _______ I have included parenthetical (also known as in-text) citations of sources (which are the authors of the editorials and the textbook authors) I mentioned in my paper and used the correct MLA citation format.

8. _______ I have included a Works Cited list of sources I mentioned in my paper and used the correct MLA citation format.

9. _______ I have consulted with the Limestone Online Writing Lab regarding writing and citing issues prior to my submission of the paper (Optional, if needed).

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