Identify and briefly describe the firm that you have selected. Include the core business and the core competencies.

You cannot simply “write from experience” about this firm

You cannot simply “write from experience” about this firm


Must be 2 pages long. and include references


Please review the instructions and grading criteria below before you begin this assignment.

Important: You cannot simply “write from experience” about this firm. Although you may have quite a lot of valuable information that you have gained simply by working for this firm, you must cite the source of your information. This source might be the firm’s website, employee manual, company handbook, an interview with a manager or employee or a news article. Remember: An interview with an employee is considered an outside resource and must be cited as such.

As with any report, you must gather information through research, but your opinions, interpretations and conclusions based upon this information are your own and are not cited.

You must use at least two outside resources for this report.

Your report must cover the following points:

  • Identify and briefly describe the firm that you have selected. Include the core business and the core competencies.
  • Analyze the firm and its business strategy using the value chain and the competitive forces model.
  • Based on your information and research about this firm, identify one type of knowledge management system or information system you think this firm may be using to execute its strategy.
  • Identify any customer relationship management tools the firm uses or should use.
  • Describe the firm’s social media presence.
  • Describe how you think business intelligence and business analytics might be used.
  • In your opinion, what are this company’s prospects for success in the future? What recommendations do you have for this firm? Explain your response.

Requirements and Grading Rubric

  • Your report must be written in paragraph/essay format with an introduction and conclusion.

You cannot simply “write from experience” about this firm




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