identify commonalities and unique differences  in probation and parole. As part of your response highlight how  offenders are placed,

Probation and parole are both types of community supervision for  offenders being supervised by correctional agencies. While these forms  of community supervision have similarities, they are intended for  different types of offenders.

In your initial response, identify commonalities and unique differences  in probation and parole. As part of your response highlight how  offenders are placed, as well as the types of offenders, on both  probation and parole. Conclude your response by evaluating whether you  believe one type of community supervision is more effective than the  other with respect to rehabilitating offenders.

Initial posts must be a minimum of 500 words not counting the repeating  of the question or reference list, and incorporate material from at  least two (2) cited sources. At least two (2) response posts to peers

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