identify identify 2 to 3 problems and develop 2 to 3 possible solutions to the problems identified and use this as the focus for making your case in the case format.

Business Policy and Strategy
Case Analysis: Bank of Americas Acquisition of Merrill Lynch
Read the case Bank of Americas Acquisition of Merrill Lynch on page 702-718. Use the case analysis format provided below to address to identify the problems and provide several suggested solutions that the Bank of America executive team can review for possible implementation.
Be sure to identify identify 2 to 3 problems and develop 2 to 3 possible solutions to the problems identified and use this as the focus for making your case in the case format. Note: The case questions provided at the end of each case can be used as an insight to what the problems might be; so be sure to investigate the case carefully.
Case Format
I. Write the Executive Summary
II. Statement of the Problem
III. Causes of the Problem
IV. Decision Criteria and Alternative Solutions
V. Recommended Solution Implementation and Justification
VI. External Sourcing
The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:
References must come from sources such as scholarly journals found in EBSCOhost CNN online newspapers such as The Wall Street Journal government websites etc. Sources such as Wikis Yahoo Answers eHow blogs etc. are not acceptable for academic writing




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