Identify your Unique Economic Value Proposition (UEVP), an analysis or statement of the combination of goods and services offered by a health care organization to its customers in exchange for payment

Deliverable Length: 6 PowerPoint slides

Identify your Unique Economic Value Proposition (UEVP), an analysis or statement of the combination of goods and services offered by a health care organization to its customers in exchange for payment. Choose 1 health-care-related topical area or function of interest (e.g., quality improvement, health care systems of care) and combine this with 1 of the areas of prospective practice (e.g., community-based, not-for-profit, acute-care hospital, for-profit urban hospital, public health facility).
Review 6 or more contemporary, research-based articles of interest that relate to your chosen topical area or function and area of prospective practice. Summarize the problems that the research articles are addressing. Identify whether the research is qualitative or quantitative.
Create 6 PowerPoint slides that detail your topic of interest, area of application or function related to health care, and summary of problems based on your research review. All slides should be accompanied by speaker notes. Notes accompanying slides should have speaker notes of several brief paragraphs per slide and adequate for a speaker to deliver your presentation.

APA, Cited ,Referenced

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