Identifying Your S.M.A.R.T. Goals

Identifying Your S.M.A.R.T. GoalsIt is time to review your writing process by examining where you were when you started the course and by looking ahead to any further needs.Your perception of your writing process needs may have changed since the beginning of the course. How have your needs have changed, and what goals will you set for yourself as you continue your scholarly career? Here, you will take these findings and use them to identify strategies and goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and, timely (S.M.A.R.T.) to help you continue advancing your scholarly writing.To prepare for this Discussion:Review      your Self-Assessment from the Week 1 Discussion (see attached file)and consider how your      goals might be tailored to further develop your scholarly writing.Review      the SMART Goals website in the Learning Resources.Develop      at least three SMART goals to help advance your scholarly writing. Use the      SMART Goals Template from the website to ensure your goals are realistic.Determine      which Learning Resources might be appropriate to help you continue to      improve your scholarly writing.By tomorrow Wednesday 01/17/18 by 12 pm, in a minimum of 1 to 2-page essay in APA format with at least 2 references from the list of required readings below, include the level one headers as numbered below:1) Post your three S.M.A.R.T. goals, and explain how these goals will help you move forward in your scholarly writing.2) Explain the barriers you might encounter that may hinder accomplishing your goals.3) Also, explain how you might address these barriers to completing your goals.Note: Be sure to support your post with specific references to the resources. If you are using additional articles, be sure to provide full APA-formatted citations for your references.Required ReadingsWalden University Writing Center. (2015i). Walden templates: General templates: APA course paper template (6th ed.). Retrieved from Education. (2015). [Infographic]. Reflecting on your Writing, Baltimore, MD: Author.Walden University Academic Skills Center. (2017). SMART goals. Retrieved from you review this website, focus on how you might develop your own goals that are S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely).Skarbakka, K. (2015, January 26). Self-reflection: Getting to know all about your (writing) [Blog post]. Retrieved from ResourcesAdditional support courses are available as you continue developing your doctoral writing skills. Consider these when creating your SMART goals:Walden University Academic Skills Center. (2017). ASC courses and workshops. Retrieved from

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