Impact of the nurse in end of Life care. OR Prevention measures for nursing burnout

The body of the paper must be 750-1250 words of text and must follow APA format. Points will be deducted if the paper is too long or too short. Use at least 3 professional references, all of which are less than 5 years old (No textbooks are permitted). All three references must come from peer-reviewed English Language nursing journals. Web-sites, if used, must be those sites established for professional use. Documentation of references, including websites, must follow APA format. The paper must be written in narrative format. Outline format, bullets, and tables should not be used in the paper. The paper must be well organized and show a logical progression with the use of subheadings required. Correct grammar, spelling and punctuation are expected. Please use Times New Roman typeprint in the body of the paper. We request you use 12 size font in your paper.. The reference page must be completed and submitted to your classroom teacher for approval prior to writing the paper.

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