Irish History

Synthesizes the attitudes toward the Irish language, a.k.a. Gaelic, of Lt. Yolland (the fictional British officer in Brian Friel’s Translations), Hugh, the old schoolmaster in the same play. Also, the excerpt from Eamon de Valera as expressed in his radio address to the nation (Below).

What value does each of these speakers see in the language, and what risks do they express, if only implicitly, about the decline of the use of this language in Ireland? Excerpt: ‘We must get the people to recognize what the restoration of the language means for our nationality.

The only way to hold our nation, and the only way the position I spoke of at Geneva will be effective before the world, is by securing our language as the language of the Irish people.’ “And again: ‘[Thomas] Davis said the language was a more secure protection than fortress or river. The best way to preserve the philosophy of life, to preserve the distinctive and spiritual and cultural life of the people is through the language.

It is the best way to keep pure Irish tradition, and it is the best safeguard against what is happening today. Every Irish book is steeped in the faith and philosophy of our people, and if you want to preserve these things, there is no better way than by using such instruments as embody all those ideals. It is a task and it means sacrifice.’

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