It is important in health care that you are able to communicate clearly.

It is important in health care that you are able to communicate clearly. For this reason, please provide an attached sheet of paper a properly constructed essay explaining the following topics:

1- Reason(s) for desiring to enter the ADN program (Associate Degree in Nursing)
     you can write something related to people, another reason to enter I have a good      GPA (3.7) and my grades of all sciences are A’s

2- List your strengths and weaknesses 

      My strength:  I’m a hard worker, openminded, focused, secure.

      Weaknesses: public speaking, too sensitive)

3- List your hobbies ( my hobbies:
I like to go with my son to raise a kite, doing exercises, go to the beach,
watch movies)

4- One thing you have accomplished that has given you great satisfaction.  (well, this year has been a year of quite a lot of joy, in February I got my American citizenship, also I finished my associate in sciences. These two achievements make me feel very satisfied because it is not easy to study, work and have a family.

5- Any other information about yourself which you feel is pertinent to this application. 

PLEASE!!! make it a clear essay, easy words, I need something simple, it is for the entry to the nursing program. At least 250 words. Thanks

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