leadership philosophy 2
“The Kind of Leader I Want To Beâ€
Do These Things:
- Define Leadership. Do library and/internet research plus use what you have learned in class to come up with this definition.
- Tell your leadership goals for while you are at University and in your future after graduation.
- Tell what leadership characteristics you want to possess and why.
- Tell what leadership style(s) you will use as you lead.
Follow These Guidelines:
- Write in the first person; this is about you and your plans and ideas.
- Length is approximately 700 words.
- Use 12 point, Times New Roman Font, double-spaced with 1 inch top and bottom margins and 1 1/4 inch side margins.
- Follow the normal, basic rules of grammar.
- Use the spell-check and grammar-check on your word processing software to eliminate needless errors.
- Submit your paper on time. Start it soon, write it early, review it often.
- Spend lots of time on it before submission; have others read it and make suggestions.
- Paper Header
- Centered; place the course title on line 1,
- next include the following words on line 2 My Leadership Philosophy
- and finally, student name on line 3
- date on line 4.