Many universities, industry professionals, and organizations feel that operations management and project management go hand in hand.

Posted: A Month AgoDue: 14/03/2018Budget: $10
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Many universities, industry professionals, and organizations feel that operations management and project management go hand in hand.
Indeed, often the degree programs are similar, and professional organizations like APICS provide certifications in both. Why do you think it is important for those who manage operations functions to understand project management techniques?
How does a firm integrate principles of both operations management and project management to create customer value? Find and cite examples. Many universities, industry professionals, and organizations feel that operations management and project management go hand in hand.
Indeed, often the degree programs are similar, and professional organizations like APICS provide certifications in both. Why do you think it is important for those who manage operations functions to understand project management techniques?
How does a firm integrate principles of both operations management and project management to create customer value? Find and cite examples.

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