Microbiology Digestive System Case

Microbiology Digestive System Case StudyBonnie loves to eat her hamburgers rare. She puts them on the grill for 2 minutes on each side. Bonnie goes to a family cookout that has a variety of foods, including hamburgers. Everyone eats the food and has fun in the sun. Three days, Bonnie begins to have bloody diarrhea with abdominal distention. She is quite weak and goes to her primary care doctor.What is the diagnosis of the individual? What is the infectious agent?How should Bonnie be treated? What is going to happen once treatment begins?What is the issue with this organism? Why did she get sick?Microbiology Digestive System Case StudyBonnie loves to eat her hamburgers rare. She puts them on the grill for 2 minutes on each side. Bonnie goes to a family cookout that has a variety of foods, including hamburgers. Everyone eats the food and has fun in the sun. Three days, Bonnie begins to have bloody diarrhea with abdominal distention. She is quite weak and goes to her primary care doctor.

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